Frequently asked questions.

#1: How do I get access to venting channels?

In order to get access to our venting channels, you'll have to agree to our venting guidelines. After doing this, you'll automatically receive access to all of our therapy-related channels.

#2: How do I get access to therapy sessions?

By default, you should be able to access our therapy session channel. If you cannot access this channel, it is probably on lockdown. More info on lockdowns can be found at our forum and therapy announcement channel.

#2b: How long do I have to wait for my therapy session to be looked at?

The wait time highly depends on whether or not our therapists are available and able to take their time with your therapy session. Certain categories of therapy might take longer to be claimed due to different specializations of our team.

#3: Are therapists licensed?

Our Therapist team are non-staff members who have volunteered to help the community out by handling therapy requests/sessions. They are not there to help with any staff related matters. Our therapists are by no means professionals and if you or anyone you know is in immediate danger, contact the proper authorities. Our therapists receive training and guidance which qualifies them for private sessions. These sessions are completely free.

#4: How do I become a mod/helper/therapist?

To become staff or a therapist, you must apply through our applications. These forms are available in the application category.

#5: How can I get help from a staff member?

You can contact our staff team through our ticket system. Tickets are only for staff-related inquiries and abusing them will result in a punishment. Most of our staff members have an introduction as well.

#6: Why did my nickname get changed?

If your nickname was moderated, this means you broke rule #12. You can always change your nickname back to something of your choice but changing it back to the same name that was moderated will result in punishment.

#7: How do I send images or attachments in general chat?

In order to do this, you'll need to either be level 50+ or a booster.

#8: How do I check my rank/level?

You can receive XP to level up by sending a message every minute in the server, use /rank in ⁠a bot channel to check your level. Alternatively, you can use /info to see more detailed information regarding levels and XP. You can also check the server's all time leaderboard by using /levels or incremental leaderboards by using /leaderboard. More information on levelling can be found at ⁠our role info channel

#9: How do I report staff?

Since staff members have access to tickets, you cannot report them through this feature. Please contact a higher up or manager regarding any reports on staff. A list of staff can be found at ⁠our staff channel or staff introduction on the website

#10: How can I suggest new features for the server?

You can use our ⁠suggestion channel to make any suggestion you have for the server. These can be voted by the community and our @Vanguard team will implement them if they receive enough positive feedback from the community.

#11: Why did I get warned?/ [...] for something that isn't a rule?

To check why you got warned, view your DMs with the bot. Not all rules are listed in server rules, these are listed in our full set of rules, there are channel-specific rules you can view by checking the pinned messages of each channel.

#12: Why can I not post links or gifs?

Usually, Sometimes people can send malicious links and it's easy to accidentally click on them when they pop up in chat. To minimize this and keep all of our users safe, links are blocked from being sent, this includes ones used in the Discord GIF picker unless you have image perms

#13: Why are my messages getting blocked?
Freedom of speech is important, and we allow everyone to express their thoughts, however, profane rants that cross the line into direct face-to-face personal insults or fighting words are regulated and moderated by our automod and staff members. We do allow swearing to the extent that it isn’t under circumstances reasonably calculated to provoke a breach of peace. Because we cannot guarantee swearing will not be used for malice, it is disabled by default in most channels. Swearing is unmoderated in our venting channels as it can help people express their emotions, however, the same policy applies here and any swearing used to violate the integrity of another person will be moderated. In accordance with rule 1, any swearing that bypasses the automod filter whether used for malice or not, will be moderated.

#14: why can’t I reach out to members to give advice?
We kindly request that regular members refrain from reaching out to others in DMs for a couple of important reasons. Firstly, we want to ensure that everyone receives the best and most appropriate help. Our therapists are trained to handle a wide range of issues, and we want to make sure that the assistance provided is effective and safe. Secondly, by keeping the conversations within the venting chats, we're able to oversee the interactions and ensure that the environment remains supportive and respectful. If you ever need someone to talk to, whether it's a vent or you're seeking advice, please feel free to share it here in the venting chats. Our therapists and fellow members are here to listen and support you. Your well-being is important to us, and we want to make sure you receive the best possible care.